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“To be Done with Sodom” now available!

Today is the day:  the non-fiction comic “To be Done with Sodom” is now AVAILABLE on Amazon (paperback and Kindle editions.) This project was nearly two years in the making and I am super thrilled with the result.

The goal behind the comic is to bring more people to “visualize” the secular story that (likely) gave rise to the religious myth of Abraham. Understanding how it began, helps understand how it evolved, and how we got where we are. I added a few technical references here and there, but for the most part, this is a very visual story. It took a few iterations to get right, but the feedback from the launch team has been exceptionally positive and very encouraging.

Now is the time to extend a big THANK YOU to Alexandra Filipek for her invaluable work. Ever since I first reached out to her, she’s been very enthusiastic about the project. She has been super easy to work with. We did everything via email and never had a single phone call to discuss or plan! My only regret is that I don’t know what her voice sounds like. LOL  Alexandra has shown exceptional ability to capture the essence of what needed to be done and did her own research for all the Bronze Age visuals and props. When changes were required, she executed them promptly and willingly. I cannot recommend her enough.

I also want to extend my thanks to those who provided feedback – from the initial draft to the final Launch Team who reported the last typos, etc. They are too many to list! Shoshana, Leanne, Steve, Howard, Matheu, Alex, Brad, Aaron, and Del come to mind with gratitude. And this work would have never materialized without the support of my love Christine. She has shown exemplary patience and was instrumental in planning and executing the launch.

Mission accomplished. I hope you will enjoy, but more importantly, I hope it will encourage a few scholars to reconsider the origin of this foundational myth.

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